Sunday, July 02, 2006

I don't think he truly loves me as I view love. I don't know if he knows what love is. I think that is the most terrible thing for me. He does not have that capability. But he has to. He loves his children. I don't know. When I need him to embrace me, he can't. It hurts to my core. I don't know how much longer I can take the hurt. I feel like I have done everything I am capable of to make him happy. He doesn't know what he needs. He just needs some one to take care of him. I have to have something in return. I don't know that I can keep doing this. The thing I hate about this is I love him with every part of my being. I love him. Why should I have to leave. Because he can't love me? Because he can't love me like I need. I want him, I need him. But for me to leave would be saying I don't want him. I don't need him. But to stay would say I am okay with being treated like I am. A part of me is dying when I am not loved. A part of me desperately wants to be loved. Truly loved. I need it.


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